Studying dentistry in the US is no easy taskSTUDYING Abroad
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Dear Sir,

I have completed BDS from Rajiv Gandhi University, including an internship and have practiced for a year. I am working for a research institute now. I intend to go to the US for permanent settlement and practice there. In this connection, I want to know whether I have to attend any course/exam there to get a license for practice there. If so please let me know the names of universities to be contacted. Let me know the expenses required and the scholarship facilities available. I would also like to know about courses like Masters in Public Health (MPH) or psychology there.  


Dear Shwetha,

I understand your intention of wanting to permanently settle down in USA. Unfortunately, for dentists the scenario in USA is not very conducive to either study further or settle down. First of all BDS from India is not enough to apply for a practising license in USA.

Even though you have practiced for a year and are now doing some research, that has no relevance for the admission criteria. In the United States, dental study usually begins after four years of undergraduate study. Universities do not have undergraduate programmes in dentistry; students planning to study dentistry can major in any subject, but should have a minimum number of prerequisite undergraduate courses in the biological sciences, chemistry, physics, and mathematics, as well as in the humanities and the behavioural and social sciences.

Both the doctor of dental surgery (DDS) and the doctor of medical dentistry (DMD) require four years of study. The DDS and the DMD are the basic dental degrees available. Students in the United States are not allowed to practice dentistry before acquiring one of these degrees. Postgraduate training is after achieving the DDS or the DMD and hardly anybody pursues postgraduate education. If at all anyone does it, it is often by those interested in teaching or research purposes.

The best place to check out information regarding licensing information is provided on the website of the American Dental Association

Generally dentists from India have to go through two more years of education in a dental school before being eligible to apply for licensing boards of respective states in USA. For example AEGD (Advanced Education in General Dentistry) is a university based one to two year programme which is similar to an internship in India. GPR (General Practice Residency) is similar to AEGD but is mostly in a hospital setting.

Only after that is one eligible to study further or practice in the USA. In all it is a long drawn time consuming process and financially it is quite draining. It may cost anywhere upwards of Rs. 40 to 45 lakhs by way of tuition fees to reach this stage.  

Furthermore, the competition is also very high and only academically high achievers can sustain the rigours of all the eligibility entrances. In USA, at present, the possibilities to get admission, even though one is ready to pay, is difficult. Even if one manages to procure admission, visa for any medical education involving clinical work is a great gamble.

Overall, it is not at all a favourable situation for dentists wanting to go either for higher studies or to work in USA. On the flip side a sure way for a dentist to enter USA is through matrimony to a partner who is eligible to take the spouse along.

Once one enters USA then one can definitely complete the requirements and take up practice. There is no question of seeking any kind of financial assistance by way of scholarship unless one is a meritorious student. The only way is to self finance or get bank loans. You can definitely pursue Master’s in public health, geriatric care, life style medicine, etc. if you are willing to forego dentistry.

One can take up additional courses in psychology in order to be eligible to study masters in any field of psychology except clinical psychology as that also requires licensing. 

(Published 23 February 2011, 16:11 IST)