To make online learning effective and seamless
Akhand Swaroop Pandit
Last Updated IST
A single click from the safe confines of our homes can open a window to a plethora of reference materials for us to browse through.
A single click from the safe confines of our homes can open a window to a plethora of reference materials for us to browse through.

There is no doubt that the present situation is challenging for students. Far away from their peers and mentors, one may feel more vulnerable and uncertain of their future. But this is not the time to crib. This testing time can be viewed as an experiential learning process, preparing one to brave mental pressure during competitive exams. So, let’s consider it as an opportunity to train ourselves mentally and utilise this time to the best of our abilities.

Amidst the crisis, many educational boards, schools and institutions have transferred their entire syllabi online. With access to course material, we can leverage our time at home to study effectively. Following are some tips that'll help you move successfully to online learning:

Self-study: A temporary shut-down doesn’t imply the end of the learning process. It is just that one does not have to rush to the learning centres. A single click from the safe confines of our homes can open a window to a plethora of reference materials for us to browse through. This widens our horizon and lends us more angles to approach a concept.


Review: It is time to review concepts and understand topics that are still alien to us. There is no fear of being judged in online classes, hence one can learn at their own pace and accelerate when required.

Evolve and enhance: Enrol yourself to an online course. It could be a professional course or a programme to crack competitive exams. Online and short-term courses lend a great help in enhancing one’s knowledge bank. This is the best time to be a part of an e-learning community that is based on interactive video sessions with subject experts. Some teachers are efficient in clearing doubts while enhancing your skills at the same time. Certain online ventures are accredited to prestigious educational institutions. Certifications from such credible ventures shine bright through your resume. So, find out which course is most suitable for you and check out the course provider's affiliation before joining a course.

Rekindle and explore: Focus on developing new interests, invest time in your hobbies, practice meditation and explore sports that may help you stay mentally and physically fit. Revisit old photographs, read books that interest you, indulge in motivational literature and ensure that you don’t feel low. A healthy lifestyle impacts life, especially during unprecedented times like these. So, focus on your life and overall well-being.

Be ‘digitally available’ to your friends and connect with your family to ease the turbid conditions. A simple ‘Hi’ may suffice to someone who needs emotional support during this time. Our network connections may not be equal at all ends but a psychological connection needs to be established. In the end, perspectives do matter, so try to stay positive. One must remember that the silver lining is at its luminous best when clouds are darker.

(The writer is with Catalyst Group)

(Published 07 May 2020, 06:00 IST)