Towards inspirational teaching
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Towards inspirational teaching
Towards inspirational teaching

In today’s world, we are in need of more teachers who go out of their way and teach students from their heart, writes Alice Mani.

In our schools and colleges, we have come across many teachers over the years. There are some teachers who just finish the prescribed syllabus and go. But there are some others, who teach us important life lessons that none of the textbooks are capable of doing.

They leave a mark that we would take with us for the rest of our lives. In this world, with our ever demanding academic curriculum and the time frame within which the syllabus must be completed, we are in need of more teachers who can go out of the way and teach students from their heart.

Which teacher do we remember the most when we recall our school days? Do we remember them for the subjects they taught us or the times they punished us when we were naughty or because we can relate to the lessons they taught us in our lives today? Some would definitely remember that one particular teacher with that grumpy face who penalised them, sometimes even for mistakes they didn’t commit.

However, the teachers who inspired us will always have a special place in our hearts and we will definitely remember them till the very end.

Teachers who love the subjects they teach will also spread their love to the students. There are some teachers who talk about their subjects like something that is fun and interesting, which definitely grab the attention of the students.

Sometimes we see that students take up higher studies in such subjects because they were inspired by their teachers, who brought about a special liking for that subject in them. Sometimes we also see students who go into the teaching profession just because some teachers inspired them so much that they aspire to be like them.

In rural India, where the dropout rate is high, we see that students choose to work instead of pursuing higher studies. The teachers in government schools and colleges should also try and make learning fun and motivate children to learn.

They should be able to connect with their students at a personal level and they should treat each and every student equally.

Ego also plays a very important role in the teaching career. A teacher should go into a classroom to ‘share knowledge’ and not ‘impart knowledge’.

Open mindedness and an aim of mutual learning, will not only bring teachers closer to their students, but also impart a feeling of mutual respect and trust among the students.

It has been proven that when students feel comfortable with their teacher, learning happens naturally. A teacher who is liked by students also tend to motivate his/her students to try harder, participate more and also ask questions when they have some doubts.

Their nature also helps teachers to get closer to students who do not open up easily. Teachers must be able to create a positive atmosphere in the classroom that not only motivates them to teach well but also encourage their students to work together and learn more.

Having fun and enjoying classes will also be reflected in the grades that student acquire. When classes get more and more fun, children will be interested to come to class every day and be more open to leaning, which in turn strengthen the bond between the students and their teachers.

The result is that students perform better and get better grades and are also imparted with the right attitude to form better character and personality.

Patience is a trait that is most important for a teacher, as he/she should not be in a hurry to merely finish the syllabus, but make sure that the students understand what is taught.

Teachers who leave an indelible mark on their students are those who manage their curriculum as well as classroom well by right attitude and approach to life.

(The writer is a professor in the dept of commerce at Christ University, Bangalore.)

(Published 14 August 2013, 20:54 IST)