Why our children need role models
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Students consider teachers as rolemodels and try to emulate them. DH FILE PHOTO
Students consider teachers as rolemodels and try to emulate them. DH FILE PHOTO

For most children, parents are the first role models whom they want to emulate. But as they begin school, it is the teachers who take that coveted position. It becomes the most crucial responsibility of teachers to stand up to this honour and present themselves worthy of being role models for hundreds of students every year.

When she is kind and helpful, motivates her students, has a no-nonsense attitude towards discipline and brings new facets of knowledge that fascinates students, she automatically becomes a role model for the students. Their achievements, their knowledge, ability to engage and inspire, all go a long way in turning them into idols worth emulating.

It is very important that students are exposed to worthy role models early on in life. Such exposure not only sets a live example before them of how to shape one’s career and life as a whole, but also enables them to imbibe the qualities of the person who has helped them reach where they are today. Many schools today take efforts to expose students to achievers from diverse walks of life. Photographers, artistes, scientists, heritage conservationists, thespians, sports personalities, dancers, educationists, entrepreneurs, doctors, armed forces personnel etc are invited to schools to facilitate students to meet and converse with them. These talented people prefer having a chat and interact with the students rather than just delivering a speech. We all would know of one child or the other who has taken the off-beat track in his or her career inspired by some such interaction with a role model.

Having clubs — both subject specific and activity-based — at school is useful. Along with schools, families and communities should also do their bit to facilitate children know and interact with people from diverse fields. Particularly, parents should ensure that the children meet new people at interesting forums. They can take the children out to watch a play, visit an art exhibition, encourage them to join a hobby club and regularly meet people with interesting vocations.

Such activities ensure that it is not just academics that defines success, but there are several other avenues too. Subscribing to magazines, periodicals and newspapers that feature innovators and fields of interest also helps kids understand the limitless possibilities life offers. Also, one must ensure that children understand the life and struggles of achievers, their education, the path they charted and the people who helped them in their endeavours.

It is seen that children observe role models with curiosity and get influenced by their mannerisms, sense of purpose, values and work. A study says that students of teachers who passionately discuss effects of pollution and believe in global warming and its impacts, grow up to believe in the same. A role model becomes an inspiration for kids to tread the path of a chosen life.

Be cautious
However, one word of caution for children while emulating their role models is that many times, we perceive that role models have had it really easy in life or on the contrary, that they have faced tremendous hardships along the way. This may not be the reality all the time. People downplay or overplay their struggles, depending upon how they want themselves to be portrayed. Parents must also administer caution when the child displays too much ambition or tries to tread the same path like the role model towards achieving success faster, which could be fraught with tremendous risk and not advisable.

Children must also be guided if they are idolising careers or people which may not be realistic for them to pursue. It is always fascinating to have cricket stars or film stars as role models, but one must be aware of the hard work, sacrifices, financial burden during their struggling years. They should also keep the family’s situation in mind while deciding on a path to follow. It is not necessary that just because a film star or a sports star is your role model, you have to be one. 

Kids should also understand how successful people stay grounded in spite of success and fame. Having a strong role model in life not only helps us as a guide, but also keeps inspiring us to do better in life.

(Published 01 December 2016, 00:18 IST)