A thief will call someone else a thief: Bommai'For the last 10-12 years, Congress has been losing the confidence of minorities,' the CM said in the interview
Y G Jagadeesh
Vijayakumar S K
Last Updated IST
Karnataka CM basavaraj Bommai. Credit: Special Arrangement
Karnataka CM basavaraj Bommai. Credit: Special Arrangement

Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai is slogging to bring the BJP back to power. In between hectic campaigning, Bommai spoke to Y G Jagadeesh and Vijayakumar S K on why he’s confident that the BJP will win. Excerpts:

How is it different to face elections as a chief minister?

I have worked as chief minister for 20 months. Our programmes have reached people. So, the response from people is excellent. Everywhere 50,000-60,000 people - beneficiaries - are coming together. They’re congratulating our government and showing huge support for the BJP.


Will your government’s achievements help win the election?

When I took charge, Covid-19 was still around. We carried out vaccination under PM Modi’s leadership successfully. We showed that the government is with people who were affected due to floods. After Covid-19, we managed to improve the state’s economy beyond expectations. Every year, we have created 13 lakh jobs. Citizens are convinced that ours is a progressive government that responds to the hardship of people.

There’s anger among citizens over price rise. Won’t this be a setback?

When UPA was in power, inflation was 8-10%. Now, despite variations at the global level, India’s inflation is 4.2%. Under the Ujjwala scheme, eight crore people got free cylinders. Initially, subsidy was given. But subsidies have a time frame. I remember economist Manmohan Singh’s words in 1994-95. He’d said that the country would develop if subsidy on gas cylinders and fuel is removed. This is economics. It’s true that the poor have been impacted. To help them, we’ve announced in our manifesto that three free gas cylinders will be given every year.

Congress has gone to town with ‘40 per cent commission’ allegations against your government.

A thief will call someone else a thief. The state has more than 45,000 contractors. The association headed by D Kempanna has just 700 contractors and half of them don’t work. Still, I spoke to them. I asked them to provide evidence. Not a single proof was given. Evidence wasn’t submitted to the court as well. What’s the meaning of addressing a news conference after holding a meeting in the house of Congress people?

Lambani and Bhovi communities were against the decision to provide internal reservation among SCs. Will this cause losses to the BJP?

For many years, there was a fear among Lambanis and Bhovis that they’ll be removed from the SC list while providing internal reservation. Congress hadn’t done anything to allay this fear. When reservation was first provided, there were only six groups in the SC list (Adi Karnataka, Adi Dravida, Lambani, Bhovi, Korama and Koracha). We’ve permanently removed the hanging sword. The situation has improved after these aspects were communicated.

Have your votes solidified after the Congress proposed banning Bajrang Dal?

For the last 10-12 years, Congress has been losing the confidence of minorities. That space is being filled by the SDPI and PFI. In this election, SDPI and Congress have an internal understanding. Congress is in the SDPI’s stranglehold. The SDPI was upset with Congress for its silence when PFI was banned. Pressure was mounted to ban Bajrang Dal and Congress said it in the manifesto. Having understood the consequences, Congress is now reciting Hanuman Chalisa.

Will the exit of Jagadish Shettar and Laxman Savadi damage the BJP?

Damage is for people who left, and not the BJP. Lingayats have political experience and maturity. They won’t follow one particular person. BJP has given equal respect to all communities. Congress has treated the Lingayat community with absolute it the case of Veerendra Patil or the attempt to break the Lingayat community in 2018 by Siddaramaiah.