Beauty of simple pleasures
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Amulya and Ganesh in the film.
Amulya and Ganesh in the film.

Shravani Subramanya
Kannada (U) ****
Director: Manju Swaraj
Cast: Ganesh, Amulya, Anant Nag, Tara, Avinash and others

Shravani, innocent but mischievous, thinks she has fallen in love with a persistent guy and elopes with him and barely escapes becoming another unknown rape and murder victim, thanks to aspiring singer Subramanya who thrashes her ‘lover’ and his gang.

A humiliated Shravani attempts to end her life but Subramanya convinces her to face her family, assuring that he would pose as her husband. Predictably, her livid family throws her out and Subramanya ends up taking care of her. Her childish innocence grates on him sometimes, but over time he falls for her. Their landlord and his wife, however, aren’t fooled but go along, advising the youngsters on life, love etc... Does all the advice and suggestions bring Shravani and Subramanya together? Or will Shravani’s family kill that love?

Shravani Subramanya, on the surface, is an ordinary love story. It is also a comeback of sorts for the director and the heroine. Manju, who made the promising Shishira comes up with a tale that demands attention with its simple, yet deft handling. Dialogues play and hide and seek with vulgarity but give enough laughs to lighten the mood and increase expectation. Will the Cheluvina Chittara magic be recreated again?

Amulya takes care of it nicely. The bubbly schoolgirl, who later made some mistakes, personal and professional, has blossomed after a well-utilised hiatus. Shravani seems to be tailor made for Amulya. She is the perfect foil for Ganesh, who is in fine form here.

There is no over-the-top acting from either of them. Anant Nag and Thara offer good support while Avinash as Shravani’s father is superb. Ninasam Ashwath and Yashas Surya play out their parts well. In fact, the only blemish, if it can be called that, is perhaps getting Parul Yadav to dance, oh so beautifully in costumes that are initially tasteful. Or the Sadhu Kokila comedy track. Manju keeps it light and tight, appealing to one and all. Music and camerawork too complement each other well.

Shravani Subramanya is a neat family entertainer, not to be missed.

(Published 28 December 2013, 03:34 IST)