DaybreakersHuman blood is priceless
Robert L Sungte
Last Updated IST
A scene from the film ''Daybreakers''.
A scene from the film ''Daybreakers''.

Set in 2019 when the vampires are in majority, humans are hunted for their blood. Blood is taken as ‘coffee’. So, human population dwindles faster than imagined. But the business aspiration of a company led by Sam Neill increases.

Scientists and vampire Edward Dalton (Hawke) who works for Sam at first is dedicated to find that alternative-profitable product until he accidentally crashes upon a group of humans who are working on a cure for the vampires.

This vampire-human tussle is projected from both economic and personal relationship crisis. Sam has a problem convincing his runaway daughter to become a vampire and Edward is hunted by his own brother when he takes sides with a human friend Elvis (Willem Dafoe).

Based on the old theme and looks of vampire films, “Daybreakers” is dark and there are people in dark clothes and sun-glasses.  However, this film manages to come out of darkness in the second part. The mood change is done brilliantly without the plot going haywire. This is one vampire movie which is not formulaic.

The directors, Spierig brothers, also make sure that you still get the bloody scenes and violence, which sometimes went to unnecessary focus.  There are also loopholes in the scripts, like what really happened to Sam’s daughter and so forth.  If you must go for this flick it would be better to shut all doors of logic and take a pinch of leniency along, then only will you get the thrilling effects.

(Published 28 May 2010, 21:21 IST)