Repetitive story with visual steroids
Robert L Sungte
Last Updated IST
A scene from the film.
A scene from the film.

Ice Age: Collision Course
English (U/A) Directors: Mike Thurmeier & Galen Chu
Cast: John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, Simon Pegg, Ray Romano, Queen Latifah, Adam DeVine, Jennifer Lopez

Ice Age: Collision Course is the fifth in the “Ice Age” series. In this version, the existence of Sid (Leguizamo) the sloth, tiger Diego (Leary), mammoth Manny (Romano) and others are under threat as a blazing meteor heads for planet Earth. Again, you can blame Scrat, the restless squirrel, for trigging the Big Bang in the course of his endless mission to get hold of the elusive acorn.

Even 15 years after, there’s no peace in the lives of mammoth Manny and his wife Ellie (Latifah) as you watch them survive the meltdown, the dinosaur invasion and the continental drift. Now, just when they are preparing for their daughter Peaches’ wedding, they must face danger all over again.

Truth be told: This sequel of “Ice Age” is not hot anymore. It is starting to be
extremely boring as the storylines are getting far too familiar and who can handle so many new characters that are forced into the narrative to get a few people laugh!

Ice Age: Collision Course minus the voice star of Pegg and the excellent visuals is nothing but a routine cartoon show. The visuals being technically superior in 3D format is like injecting steroids on a franchise that has outlived the raw adventure of Manny and his friends. It’s time for “Ice Age” makers to start something new and fresh.

(Published 17 July 2016, 01:59 IST)