Eat, stretch, repeatAkshar suggests some yoga postures to overcome eating disorders
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A nervous system that is unregulated and dysfunctional can be one of the leading causes of emotional eating or even eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia etc. A lack of focus, discipline and sense of purpose can also spiral into compulsive behaviour disorders such as this. Many of us have an emotional connect with food and when our own emotions are not properly regulated or do not find a safe space for channelling, then we turn to food for comfort which can lead to eating disorders.

Rein it in

Through the practice of physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, yoga allows for balance to form between the mind and the body. When this connection between the mind and body is strengthened you will no longer feel internal chaos and thus be able to focus better. Focus brings discipline and clarity which can also help you to follow a more positive, healthy and wholesome lifestyle or way of living.


Surya Namaskar: It is very beneficial to include the practice of Surya Namaskar in your everyday routine. A minimum of 527 cycles must be a staple part of your practice and along with this you can also perform many other postures and include breathing techniques like Bhastrika pranayama, Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom etc.

Yoga builds balance: Yoga is an ancient and scientific practice that helps you to channel your emotional energy in a productive way. When this happens, it helps you to keep your emotions in check and be able to make more informed and healthy decisions for your life. Along with building strength, stamina, flexibility and adding positive energy to your life, yoga also suppresses appetite and aids in the regulation of your nervous system. By actively helping you to navigate through stress, depression, and other mental issues, yoga then helps you to become more grounded and positive.

It is advisable to go for a walk every day for at least half or one kilometre. Avoid junk food and include plenty of healthy fruits, vegetables and other organic items into your diet. Practice Surya Namaskar early in the morning along with any breathing or meditation techniques.

Yoga asanas

Here are some asanas that help in restoring better health even if you have an eating disorder.

Surya Namaskar: Surya Namaskar is done with 12 steps for each side starting from the right. Practice 5-7 cycles of Surya Namaskar early in the morning to regulate your appetite and nervous system. Repeat these 12 steps to the left side to finish one complete cycle.

Naukasana: Sit in Sukhasana. Uncross your legs and lift them either bent or straight. Try to balance on your tailbone and engage your abdominal muscles. Arms can be parallel to the ground.

Padahasthasana: Stand in Tadasana position. Exhale as you start to bend forward, and bring your fingertips or palms to the floor.

Paschimottanasana: The seated forward bend. Sit with your legs stretched forward, inhale and lift your arms up. Exhale and place your upper body on your lower body.

(The author is a lifestyle coach & Yoga-preneur.)