Flexitarian all the wayHigh in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, with meat, dairy, and seafood as a treat, going flexitarian is a good way to make a gradual transition to a vegetarian and plant-based diet, writes Vidhi Chawla
Vidhi Chawla
Last Updated IST

A flexitarian diet is unlike any other diet you’ve ever tried, including Keto, low-carb, and intermittent fasting. Unlike other weight-loss diets, a flexitarian diet lays the ground for a gradual transition to a vegetarian and plant-based diet. While the flexitarian diet may appear to be similar to the vegetarian diet in some ways, it does allow for some meat consumption. This is a diet high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, with meat, dairy, and seafood as a treat.

There is a strong emphasis on eating foods in their purest form and avoiding added sugar. But, for the most part, there are no hard and fast rules, and you can tailor it to your preferences, likes, and dislikes.

Lose weight the
flexy way


The flexitarian diet is largely based on a set of principles that, if followed, can quickly yield positive results. Start by filling your plate with fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains to incorporate the flexitarian diet into your fitness routine. Consume plant-based protein instead of animal-based protein. Another crucial point to remember is to consume foods in their most natural form and avoid processed foods as much as possible.

Limit your intake of sugar and sweets, just as you would with any other diet. To achieve the greatest weight loss and health benefits, limit refined foods, added sugar, and salt while simultaneously reducing meat consumption. The flexitarian diet promotes weight loss and belly fat loss by restricting high-calorie and processed foods and forcing you to eat more plant-based foods that are naturally lower in calories.

Here are a few dishes you can add to your diet:

On the flexitarian diet, you can eat a quinoa avocado chickpeas bowl with a lemon juice dressing.

A smoothie made with almond milk, frozen berries, organic unsweetened nut butter, and bananas is a delicious way to add some variety to your diet.

Vegetables cooked with chicken and spices are also good on this diet.

Additionally, you could try green juice with a combination of celery, cucumbers, and a few spinach leaves.

Health benefits

Lowers the rate of heart disease: Following a diet rich in healthy fats and fibre can help to improve heart health. In comparison with non-vegetarians, vegetarians have a lower risk of heart disease. Despite the lack of direct research, the benefits of a flexitarian diet on heart health are likely to be similar to those shown when one is on a vegetarian diet.

Diabetes: Type 2 Diabetes is one of the most common diseases afflicting millions of people worldwide. Following a vegetarian diet makes it easier to manage this chronic health condition. All you have to do now is to keep track of how many carbohydrates you consume.

Plant-based diets are high in fibre and low in unhealthy fats and sugar, resulting in weight loss and controlling diabetes. Here’s a simple Indian meal plan for a flexitarian diet: (Calories or meal planning can vary.)

Breakfast: 2 stuffed rotis + curd , or- chapati quesadilla + milk

Mid meal: Any fruit

Lunch: Salad + 1 chapati/rice + any dal/paneer/soya chunks + curd , or vegetable khichdi + curd

Evening: Milk/tea/coffee + 2 biscuits

Late in the evening: Vegetable/tomato soup

Dinner: Salad + 2 chapatis + any seasonal vegetable

After-dinner: 1 glass of milk

(The author is a nutritionist.)

(Published 21 November 2021, 00:29 IST)