Looks can be musicalbackyard notes
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tall & lanky Ugly Sticks, traditional musical instruments of Newfoundland.
tall & lanky Ugly Sticks, traditional musical instruments of Newfoundland.

On my recent trip to Canada, I was dumbfounded by a musical instrument whose name was ‘Ugly Stick’!

From no angle did the instrument, which looked like a mop with embellishments, seem like it could produce musical notes. But, it is a traditional Newfoundland musical instrument, I was told, and that it is a regular fixture in all Newfoundland musical gatherings like informal concerts and kitchen parties.

The Ugly Stick is nothing but a mop stick cut to about four feet, along whose length nails are driven in to fix bottle caps, small bells, tin cans, and such materials that produce sound.

While the top of the stick is sometimes fixed with cymbals, the bottom has a rubber foot attached to it. The maker, who generally fashions his instrument from materials in his house or garage, also embellishes it with colourful ribbons and tapes to make it as colourful or eye-catchy (or, should we say ugly?) as possible.
The toe nails of the rubber foot are also painted in bright reds and blues!
The manner in which the instrument is played is interesting. Played with a drum stick, this Ugly Stick is held by the musician in one hand where he lifts and drops it at regular intervals while striking its attachments with the drum stick for the desired sound effect.

It is indeed surprising to see how easily available material from one’s backyard is put together to make an innovative musical instrument.

I was told these instruments are regular fixtures at all their social dos when music takes centrestage.
Though the principal musical instruments are fiddles and accordions, the role of Ugly Sticks in adding to the melody of the gathering cannot be underestimated. It sure is a fascinating instrument!

Trivia: The Ugly Stick is known by several names based on geography. In Friesland, a Dutch province, it is called kuttepiel. In the American upper-midwestern states, similar musical instruments are called ‘stumph’ fiddle.

(Published 04 July 2015, 20:20 IST)