Music Reviews
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Back to square one

Some Kind of Trouble is not a terrible record but it definitely does not live up to expectations. After giving the audiences hit singles like You’re Beautiful and Here We Go Again, songs like Best Laid Plans and Heart of Gold are predominantly filled with Blunt’s tremulous whine. It lacks novelty, for sure. Though the single, Stay The Night, has a bright and promising introduction, it moves on to being just another sappy Blunt tune.

Best Laid Plan and No Tears personify cliche. The songs are typical of Blunt’s teary croons teamed with piano chords and guitars.

Though the singer claims that the album is upbeat and uncynical, there is no mistaking the track, If Time Is All I Have, does seem a bit pessimistic and needy.

But having said that, if you have cried to Your’e Beautiful or Goodbye My Lover, you are sure to lap up more of James Blunt because he hasn’t come very far from his previous album.

James Blunt
Virgin Records, Rs 395

(Published 18 December 2010, 15:02 IST)