Read Of The Week (March 21 to March 27)Raising A Humanist
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Raising A Humanist
Raising A Humanist

The world is immensely divided and broken. We have lost the art of having conversations with those who are different from us. While we cannot change the world, we can take small remedial steps starting with our homes and communities.

The authors — communication scholars — with a vast experience of working with parents, teachers and youngsters — touch upon the deep divisive issues of our society and provide fascinating ways to use art, technology and media to provide our children with a nurturing community. 'Raising A Humanist' aims to initiate a conversation with parents and educators about raising a progressive, secular and self-assured global citizen.

It explores findings from academic studies that can be used effectively for novel education and communication practices in learning-teaching environments. With a 360-degree view, the book approaches challenges faced by parents and educators from children’s questions on religion, class, caste, gender identities and body image. It categorically debunks parenting myths, provides a deeper understanding of the impact of popular culture and highlights different ways of using art, technology and media to nurture young minds.

(Published 21 March 2021, 01:06 IST)