You got hitched and now you want to get ditched? Sexi Saheli is a weekly column of answers to questions you never dared to ask. If something is troubling you and there’s not a soul you can speak to, write to Sexi Saheli at She will not only listen, but she will also give y
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Sexi Saheli
Sexi Saheli

Hello Saheli
I am 50+. I have bought properties in my wife’s name. Now, my wife and sons say that it’s their property and want me to go out. She had no income. Please give me your views. Do I not have rights?

Dear Anand,
Your better half seems to have become the richer half. Is it right to write away your rights? Speak to a lawyer who is hopefully more cunning than your wife. Also, if you have surplus money, buy more property and please put it in your name. Don’t forget, when one door shuts another one opens — especially if you can pay in cash.

Hi Saheli
I have an anger problem. When I get triggered, I say the meanest things. I am quite nasty and horrible to the people I love. I always apologise afterwards but I think my friends are beginning to like me less.


Hi Jimmy,
Do you mean the mean things you say? If no, then why don’t you sign-up for some anger management classes — they are all the rage now? Or try not to speak when you are boiling. Hold your words. Wait in silence. The eruption will pass without a sound. If it helps, always remember, when you give a piece of your mind to your loved one, it has the power to break them into pieces.

Hi Saheli,
I fell in love when I was eighteen with my classmate. After graduation, we wanted to get married — my parents objected saying he had no potential and would not be able to take care of me. We eloped. Fast forward four years — I’m fed-up. He has no job, I pay all the bills. The only romance in our house is what we see on TV. I made a BIG mistake. What do I do? I don’t want to waste any more time with this man.

Hi Saira,
You got hitched and now you want to get ditched? I’d say bride your time. Speak to your parents and friends. Be honest. See if you can get their support. Remember, there was a whole world which loved you before you fell in love. Reach out to that world … you may just find a safety net appearing where you thought was a black hole. As they say, love is blind but your family isn’t.

Dear Saheli,
After a few unfortunate things happened, I am always feeling mental pain. I need emotional support. Please help.

Dear Harish,
Sorry to hear about the mental pain you are going through but I don’t think an answer in a weekly column can give you emotional support. I would suggest speaking to a professional counsellor — heartaches need a different kind of painkiller.

(Published 25 October 2020, 00:51 IST)