Congress to rally against 'Modi-made Mehangai' in Delhi on Dec 12Venugopal said party president Sonia Gandhi, former president Rahul Gandhi and other senior leaders will address the 'mega Mehangai Hatao' rally
Shemin Joy
Last Updated IST
The announcement of the rally comes as the party is holding protests against price rise across the country. Credit: Getty Images
The announcement of the rally comes as the party is holding protests against price rise across the country. Credit: Getty Images

After two-week long 'Jan Jagran Abhiyan' across India, Congress will now organise a "mega" rally in the national capital on December 12 against 'Modi-made Mehangai (price rise) and issue a "decisive warning" to the government seeking action to control inflation.

Congress General Secretary (Organisation) K C Venugopal said party president Sonia Gandhi, former president Rahul Gandhi and other senior leaders will address the "mega Mehangai Hatao" rally.

He said the party has given a "clarion call" against "Modi-made Mehengai". The announcement of the rally comes as the party is holding protests against price rise across the country from November 14 to 29.


"Congress has been protesting and raising people's anguish across the country. We shall continue to raise these issues, both inside and outside the Parliament. Modi and price rise have become the bane of people's lives. The unprecedented price rise and inflation have demolished the earnings, the household income and budget of every family in the country," he said.

He said people suffer "unbearable cruelty and untold misery" on account of the BJP government's policies.

"Budget of every household bleeds, even minimum nutrition suffers and people are finding it difficult to buy and consume day-to-day food articles as well as other consumables. The Modi government remains oblivious to this insurmountable pain and suffering of people," Venugopal said.

Backed by a section of the electronic media, he claimed, the only solution offered by the Modi government is a "divisive religious discourse or sporadic diversionary statements" to reset the agenda from fundamental issues affecting the lives of the people.

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(Published 26 November 2021, 19:56 IST)