CPM divided over strategy to fight Modi rule
Last Updated IST
The CPM is struggling to decide a suitable line for fighting Modi rule. Two powerful leaders of the party, general secretary Prakash Karat and polit buro member Sitaram Yechury, are said to be locking horns over the 'political and tactical line of the party' to combat 'communal forces backed by corporates'. PTI file photo
The CPM is struggling to decide a suitable line for fighting Modi rule. Two powerful leaders of the party, general secretary Prakash Karat and polit buro member Sitaram Yechury, are said to be locking horns over the 'political and tactical line of the party' to combat 'communal forces backed by corporates'. PTI file photo

The CPM is struggling to decide a suitable line for fighting Modi rule. Two powerful leaders of the party, general secretary Prakash Karat and polit buro member Sitaram Yechury, are said to be locking horns over the “political and tactical line of the party” to combat “communal forces backed by corporates”.  

They have got different views on forging alliances with non-Left parties. The fight is also being seen as a war of succession as Yechury is in the race of succeeding Karat as general secretary when the latter relinquishes office in 2015. 

The central committee is currently finalising the policy document which will be placed before the party congress scheduled for April next year at Vishakhapatnam. Sources say that official line which has been approved by the polit buro last fortnight proposes changes in the party line adopted in 1978 party Congress at Jalandhar.

(Published 28 October 2014, 00:54 IST)