Friends gift 'petrol' to newly-wed couple
ETB Sivapriyan
Last Updated IST
Ilanchezhian and Kanimozhi, newly wed couple, accepting 'costliest gift' of 5 litres of petrol from their friends on Sunday. DH Photo
Ilanchezhian and Kanimozhi, newly wed couple, accepting 'costliest gift' of 5 litres of petrol from their friends on Sunday. DH Photo

When a group of friends climbed on the dais with a can of petrol, everyone in the marriage hall in Cuddalore stood in consternation. And the friends did the unthinkable: gifted 5 litre of petrol to the couple, mocking the steep hike in the fuel prices in the past couple of weeks.

Ilanchezhian and Kanimozhi, the newly-wed couple, could not control their laughter at being 'gifted' five litres of petrol and happily posed for the shutterbugs and mobile cameras that went agog. And when the couple accepted the gift even as a shy Kanimozhi could not control her amusement, the marriage hall erupted into a rupture with shouts of "costliest gift" renting the air.

The incident took place at a marriage hall in Cuddalore, 175 km from here, on Sunday morning when the couple was on the dais to accept greetings from relatives and well-wishers after the ceremony was over. A photo of Ilanchezhian and a shy Kanimozhi accepting the "costly gift" from their friends with a chuckle on their face has gone viral on the social media.


The exact value of the 'gift' is Rs 425.75 with a litre of petrol being sold at Rs 85.15 in Tamil Nadu on Sunday. Petrol prices have been increasing steadily for the past few weeks and Sunday's incident was a clear attempt by a group of citizens to mock at the government's failure to control the price.

As the picture went viral, the couple soon became a social media sensation with meme creators coming out with several memes.

(Published 16 September 2018, 23:28 IST)