Graded autonomy to varsities likely
Last Updated IST
Graded autonomy to varsities likely
Graded autonomy to varsities likely

The Centre has initiated a move to grant graded autonomy to universities and overhaul the functioning of the University Grants Commission (UGC), which regulates higher education in India.

It has formulated a draft of new regulations to place “all universities” under three categories based on their accreditation scores and all India ranking.

Under the proposed scheme of graded autonomy, a university would be placed in “Category I institution” if it has been accredited by the NAAC with a score of 3.5 or above, or if it has figured in the all India ranking list of top 50 institutions in the universities category for two consecutive years.
DH News Service

(Published 05 June 2017, 00:58 IST)