Gujarat women run 80kms backwards for women empowerment
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Photo - ANI
Photo - ANI

Two women from Gujarat on Thursday claimed to have achieved a rare feat of covering the distance of 80 kms by running backwards for 23 hours to spread the message of women empowerment.

Twinkle Thakar (33) and her sister-in-law Swati Thakar (43), both residents of Bardoli town in Surat district, ran backwards for 23 hours to cover the total distance- 53 kms from Bardoli to Dandi in Navsari district and 27 kms from Dandi to Navsari town on their way back.

Their journey ended at Navsari town on Thursday afternoon.


Both the women started running backwards from Bardoli on the evening of October 1 and reached Dandi on the morning of October 2, when the nation celebrated the 150 birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, who led the 'salt satyagrah' march from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi in 1930.

Their return journey started yesterday evening.

"It was a difficult journey for both of us. I even developed a cramp. However, we overcame those hurdles. We did this to tell other women to realise their inner strengths and move forward. Women can do everything. Our Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) also stresses on women empowerment and runs several programmes for it," said Swati, a martial art instructor.

Twinkle, who is the wife of Swati's brother, said they underwent a 45-day training before embarking on their journey. She said they would now approach the Guinness Book of World Records to get their names registered for the feat.

"It was indeed a tough challenge. We were not confident initially, but our relatives and the people of Bardoli supported and encouraged us. Our aim was to spread the message of women empowerment and tell other women that if we can do it, they can too," Twinkle, a classical dance teacher, said.

(Published 03 October 2019, 19:52 IST)