A detour cut short lives of mother, daughter, grandson
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Prabhavathi Karkera and daughter Ashitha Bolar
Prabhavathi Karkera and daughter Ashitha Bolar

She took an impromptu detour to Mangalore by ill-fated Boeing 812, to drop off her mother, who was accompanying them, so she could attend a cousin’s engagement on May 23.

As fate turned their plans on its head, all three met a fiery death. The engagement cancelled, the shocked family is in mourning, awaiting the bodies of the three. Even as the family was coping with the tragic blow, rescue and relief parties said they had “identified” the bodies of Prabhavathi Karkera (70), Ashitha’s mother, and Akshay. Prabhavathi’s dentures and chain were said to be the proof of identity. But soon it turned out to be another cruel twist and a sad mixup. The wait for the bodies is still on.

Prabhavathi, who lived with her daughter and grandchildren in Sharjah, had no plans to come to India now. After much persuasion from her nephew to attend the engagement ceremony, she made a last minute decision to travel.

Ashitha’s husband, who works in Dubai, daughter,who is  in Sharjah and sister in Abu Dhabi are all on their way to Mangalore and, hopefully, receive the bodies of their dear ones. Even if the burning inferno might have inflicted irrecognizable changes, “identification” of the bodies from the clothes and other accessories by immediate family members will be treated as confirmation.

(Published 22 May 2010, 23:14 IST)