Bangalore students' gesture bowls over their rural counterparts
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Smart, techsavvy, and English-speaking student-members of Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness (CMCA) from Bangalore met their innocent, enthusiastic and creative counterparts at the Government Higher Primary School in Muthur in the taluk.

The occasion called for a special attention, for, students from both the sides, got to learn a lot from each other.

The students from the City got a chance to see mullbery farming units, visited cattle sheds, vineyards and schools in rural setting. On the other hand, the rural students were bowled over by the positive attitude of the City-bred students. But, what really bowled the rural students over was the gesture of the urban students, who donated solar lamps that were brought from their pocket money.

The CMCA members, who instill civic awareness among the public through various campaigns in urban areas, inspired their rural counterparts by their gesture. At least 125 students from Delhi Public School and Baldwin School in Bangalore donated solar lamps to 35 students and also distributed sweets among them. “Power crisis is more in rural areas and students are made to suffer, especially during examinations. We hope that solar lamps will solve their problem,” Usha Shetty of Namma Muthur project told Deccan Herald.

(Published 10 January 2013, 23:49 IST)