A Bollywood shot and moreHealthy diet
Ananya Revanna
Last Updated IST
Image for representation
Image for representation

The first association one has with the word ‘INXS’ is the Australian rock band of the ‘70s. But ‘Cafe INXS’, located in Sadashivanagar, can hardly be compared to them. Sitting below an anti-ageing and obesity clinique (also called ‘INXS’), the European-style cafe is all about eating and looking fresh.

According to Dr Keethi R Patel, a cosmetologist and owner of ‘Cafe INXS’, they attempt to provide customers a healthy and balanced diet without compromising on the taste. One look at the menu and it’s clear that the nutritional value is the main priority. “Our menu attempts to help people age gracefully — we use the freshest of ingredients and organic vegetables, without compromising on the taste. And the meals we have are not high in calories,” he says.

While most people are under the impression that European food comes with a heavy price tag, Dr Keerthi assures that he brings the very best of Europe at an affordable price. But it’s not an authentic European flavour — “We cook European food in an Indian style.”

The menu, which comprises healthy drinks like shots of mixed broccoli, spinach and lime (called ‘Bollywood Shot’), and fresh fruit juices, has its share of vegetables. A colourful bruschetta, ‘grilled vegetables and herbs’, ‘grilled chicken and pepper’, ‘Mediterranean chicken salad’ and ‘potato egg salad’ are some of the starters.

While they do have seafood dishes like ‘grilled prawn and char-grilled vegetables’ and ‘grilled fish and char-grilled vegetables’, it isn’t the best. The prawns are dipped in chilli flakes and taste stale, while the fish (Basa) is overcooked. A series of standard vegetables, like broccoli, green and yellow bell peppers, babycorn and zucchini, are used in each dish, giving them all the same taste.

The most ‘unhealthy’ dish on the menu is the ‘penne carbonara’, which has its fair share of cheese. A so-called speciality of theirs is the ‘Mediterranean vegetable biryani’. Although it tastes a bit like lemon rice and does no justice to a ‘biryani’, it is a healthy and filling meal. As Dr Keerthi said, they attempt to blend light European flavours with feisty Indian spices, which works for a wholesome menu.
While the place is relaxed, it is more suitable for a business meeting. The seating is anything but comfortable for a full-course meal. But the service is polite and kind, and makes up for everything else. ‘Cafe INXS’ is located in Vyalikaval,Sadashivanagar.

(Published 31 July 2015, 20:14 IST)