A time for introspection
Nina C George
Last Updated IST
People gather atop a hill at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Whitefield. DH photo
People gather atop a hill at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Whitefield. DH photo

Every year, a Friday is devoted to the solemn ceremonial recollection of a death — the death of Jesus Christ. People take time off their busy schedules and devote the day for some quiet moments. Most Christians go on a 40-day fast, known as the lent that culminates with Easter.

The last week before Good Friday is called the ‘Passion Week’ when people make their food austere. Metrolife asks people in the City what Good Friday means to them. The concept of Good Friday signifies different things to different people. Some people think it’s a time to repent for all the wrong doings and turn over a new leaf, others believe that it is the time to give up everything that is luxurious and subsist on things that are simple.

The day is spent in prayer and children too are taught to follow the tradition. Most churches across the City will be overflowing with people and the services too are not restricted.There are at least two or three services in all languages in different churches, including Infant Jesus Shrine, St Mary’s Basilica, St Mark’s Church and St Francis Xavier Cathedral. Rev Fr V Varghese, presbyter of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Whitefield, says that there not less than 2,000 people for every mass on Good Friday.

 “The message that is given to people is that it is a day of the reflection of Christ’s love for mankind. It is this love that drove him to the cross of salvation. People too must learn to forgive and forget,” says Varghese. Prem Mitra, presbyter, St Mark’s Cathedral says there are at least 1,500 people who attend church mass from 12 noon to 3 pm. “This act teaches us to face the challenges ahead of us and take changes positively. Even the country is undergoing a transition of sorts with elections and change of power. We must face testing times with courage,” he says.

Most people say that they will spend the day in church while a few others note that they will have just one meal a day. It’s not a holiday or a day of rest and away from work but a day to be spent in introspection.  DJ Clitus says that he goes on lent more for practical reasons. “I stay off any unhealthy food during lent just to rejuvenate and follow a healthy lifestyle.

As a DJ, every Friday, I perform in different parts of the City and sadly every Good Friday too, I perform and miss out on the church service. I always try to console myself saying that it’s my bread and butter,” he sums up.

(Published 17 April 2014, 19:00 IST)