Adhvay Shankar to make his debut in Kannada cinemaHe is back from the US after completing a filmmaking course
Nina C George
Last Updated IST
Twenty seven-year-old Adhvay Shankar is ready to take on the challenges in show business.
Twenty seven-year-old Adhvay Shankar is ready to take on the challenges in show business.

Sandalwood’s most loved on-screen villain Ravi Shankar is all set to introduce his son Adhvay Shankar in Kannada cinema. The 27-year-old lad, who has just returned after completing a course in filmmaking from The New York Film Academy, says he held a keen interest in films from his childhood.

Coming from a family of actors and producers, Adhvay says that he is ready to take on the challenges of show business and looks forward to working on content-driven films. In an interview with Metrolife, Adhvay shares his thoughts on the Kannada film industry and why he chose to be an actor.

Did you always want to follow your father’s footsteps?


I’ve always been inclined towards writing and poetry since I was a child. I wrote my first poem when I was in grade three. Over time, that slowly adapted into wanting to direct films; I made a couple of short films after completing my schooling. The acting bug bit me quite late. I’ve been someone who likes to thoroughly understand any craft before venturing into it. So, after spending over four years of training in dance and stunts, I moved to New York to study acting.

What do you like about your father the most and how has he influenced and shaped your thoughts?

My father is probably the most humble person I’ve ever come across. His love and respect towards cinema is unparalleled. I still remember the time after my father finished dubbing for ‘Baahubali…’. I pleaded with him to tell me why Kattapa killed Baahubali but being the professional that he is, he refused to spill the beans even to his own son.

What prompted you to go to do a course in filmmaking?

I’ve always been a fan of method acting and it is something that has always intrigued me.

So, when it came to studying acting, I was very clear that I wanted to study at The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in Manhattan.

I studied there for about two years and felt that it was equally important to understand what happens behind the camera which is when I moved to The New York Film Academy (NYFA) where I studied cinematography. I think one must do an in-depth study of any field they choose to pursue because it lays a solid foundation for the future.

This is precisely why I have invested more than four years studying filmmaking.

You will be making your debut soon, what gives you the confidence to venture into the show business?

I think my confidence comes from the time and effort that I have put in studying acting and filmmaking over the years.

Constantly absorbing advice from my father and his peers. My exposure to world cinema and learning various acting techniques from renowned teachers has brought me this far.

What kind of stories would you like to pitch yourself in?

I would love to be a part of content-oriented movies.

What strikes you most about the Kannada film industry?

Our industry has seen some of Indian cinema’s finest filmmakers and actors walk through its doors and it gives me immense pride to be associated with it.

How has the industry changed?

Modern technology has had a tremendous impact and has changed the world cinema and our very own industry.

The growth of the OTT platform has made our films spread its wings across the planet and with the increase in viewership, the sky is the limit.

(Published 12 June 2020, 19:22 IST)