BBMP to axe 20 more trees
Last Updated IST
A file photo of the trees chopped for widening the Sankey Tank Bund Road.
A file photo of the trees chopped for widening the Sankey Tank Bund Road.

The controversial Sankey Road widening project, which has seen a lot of angst among sections of the Malleswaram residents and the subsequent steamrolling of public opinion by the BBMP, has now gone under the scanner of the judiciary.

However, in a rather surreptitious move, the BBMP, has stated that another 20 trees will be axed, besides demolishing a portion of the Stella Maris School, for the project.

A total of five trees outside the Stella Maris School gate and 15 in the campus will be axed. The BBMP sources said Stella Maris School has been currently off-limits due to the legal dispute that has marred BBMP’s proposal to acquire the land for road widening.

Legal dispute

The matter was referred to the local court by the school authorities seeking permanent injunction, after the BBMP announced it will demolish portions of the building for the road-widening project. The Palike has claimed that the school had encroached upon its property over the years.

Apart from the High Court  order to maintain status quo on the Sankey Tank Bund Road, albeit delayed on account of it being pronounced after 17 of the 19 trees being chopped, the lower court has ordered  status quo on the demolition of the school building.  

“Once the status quo is vacated, we are likely to fell those trees, besides demolishing the temporary structures on the school premises to make way for the project,” a BBMP official said.

(Published 06 July 2011, 01:20 IST)