Civic agencies yet to own responsibility
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Sheer Negligence:  Pits on the footpath along the M G Road in the City. DH Photo
Sheer Negligence: Pits on the footpath along the M G Road in the City. DH Photo

The civic agencies are still clueless about who removed the slabs on the footpath where Shwetha Raju of the Christ University fell into 5.5-foot deep stormwater drain last Tuesday.

BBMP's Assistant Engineer Sharief spoke to Shwetha's father Upendra Raju to know where exactly the mishap had taken place.   "We are not aware that the slabs were missing from the place where Shwetha had fallen. We had completed laying the pavement a month ago and Bescom might have removed the slabs to work on the junction box wires," he said.


Upendra Raju said he will file a complaint in the consumer court against the civic agencies. He said: "The civic agencies are still clueless about who had left the drain open.  I am keeping a track on the development and will see to it that the culprit is punished."

The civic agencies have been carrying out works at the Castle Street simultaneously and hence, they are confused as to who should be held responsible for the accidents that take place. Kathyayini Chamaraj from Civic Bangalore said people who have had such experiences should file a complaint against the civic agency. sub-standard finishing
“There is no record of such pavement accidents.

In fact in our area, just to get a slab work done on Double Road, we had to wait for a long time and finally when the work was complete, the contractor had done a sub-standard finishing,” she said.

There are many such pothole-ridden footpaths where pedestrians have sustained injuries.  Rhea’s case is another example. She fell into a pit on the pavement on Nandidurga Road two months ago.

She said: “As there was no power, I couldn’t see the pit on the pavement. I slipped into it and injured my hand and leg. The accident could have been averted if there was a sign board to caution pedestrian," she said. When contacted A Ravindra, advisor to chief minister on urban development said:  "We are trying to achieve co-ordination at the lower level of the civic agency where the assistant engineers and junior engineer work at the spot.  

“We want these engineers to conduct zonal level meetings, visit and inspect works together to know who is to be blamed for any sub-standard civic work.  About Shwetha's case, I am yet to receive a report from the concerned agency and after having a look at it, will decide on the compensation," he said.

It could be missing slabs, poor quality pavement work or absence of footpath forcing you to use the main road or even no caution board.  If you have had suffered an injury, share your experience along with your contact number and mail us at

(Published 25 September 2010, 00:58 IST)