Courting a necessary evilBeauty Talk
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A visit to a dentist is a source of constant fear for children and adults alike. Though it is not totally a fair comparison, women and (now) men have been going through some quiet torture during their regular visits to the beauty parlour.

Sure, there are no drill machines but you are not really induced with laughing gas when someone pours hot wax on your legs.

The word ‘discomfort’ describes the experience best. The real tragedy is that while you may avoid another trip to a dentist, the same is not the case with the beauty parlour.
A beauty parlour is meant to create a relaxing atmosphere, where you can go for a head massage, a manicure, pedicure or even a much needed hair treatment. But these are only occasional treatments for most women. What remains is the painfully necessary hair-removal treatments.

“The truth is that most women visit parlours for waxing or threading only. And a haircut when necessary,” says Raina, a marketing professional.

“It takes a lot of dedication to make these visits regularly,” says Neeti, also a marketing professional. “But unfortunately not everyone has that much time or energy, especially at the thought of pain,” she adds.

And not surprisingly, many a time these visits are due to an external push than self-realisation.

“I end up waiting till the moment arrives when I don’t even want to look at the mirror. That is when I decide to go to the parlour,” adds Suchi, a sales professional.
Like many pains gifted to woman, this is something you can’t ignore but still complain about.

 “My girlfriend always makes it a point to complain whenever she comes back from a parlour visit as if it’s my fault,” says Vikrant, an IT professional. “But she still goes there in a week or two,” he laughs.

A visit to the beauty parlour can be best described as a necessary evil.
Many squirm at the sight of wax but sadly can’t do much about it. “Laser treatments, chemical-based creams and razors don’t sell without reason do they?” asks Madhu, a professional. “But these treatments are either very expensive or have side-effects,” she adds.

“If laser hair removal becomes cheaper and reliable, it will solve one of the biggest problems that we face,” says Suchi. But till that day, women will suffer pain in the name of beauty.

(Published 09 September 2010, 19:35 IST)