'Crackers induce anxiety in pets'
Last Updated IST
Actor Tara Anuradha takes part in an awareness programme about the ill-effects of crackers on pets, at Cubbbon Park on Sunday. DH PHOTO
Actor Tara Anuradha takes part in an awareness programme about the ill-effects of crackers on pets, at Cubbbon Park on Sunday. DH PHOTO
K9 Gurukul, a pets and pet-owners’ training academy, organised an awareness event Cubbon Park on Sunday, about the ill-effects of crackers on pets.

About 50 pets and pet-owners took part in the event and brought posters and banners. They urged people to minimise the use of crackers and light lamps instead. Dog lovers displayed charts indicating the anxiety crackers induced in their pets.

Actor Tara, who took part in the event, said if the various pet organisations submit a memorandum to ban crackers of high decibels, she would forward it to the government.
Varun, manager of K9 Gurukul, advised pet owners to take their animals on a long drive to remote areas during the festive season.

“If this is not possible, one could also put the pet in a room, begin by playing soothing music and gradually increase the pace so that it overpowers the noise outside. Besides this, one can also have various activities planned for the pets to keep their attention diverted,” he said.
(Published 09 November 2015, 00:43 IST)