Drop project, give better transport: Citizens
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A civil engineer by profession, Nithish Bhat opines that the steel flyover is not a good development plan.
A civil engineer by profession, Nithish Bhat opines that the steel flyover is not a good development plan.

While the government focuses on making the car ride to the airport smoother, citizens are demanding better public transport and a pedestrian-friendly city.

Praveen S, a resident of Indiranagar, asks why the government is spending public money on the flyover when citizens are in need of better roads, footpaths and public transport. “Why is the government catering only to car users? There will never be enough road or parking space for vehicles. The more roads you provide, vehicle numbers will also increase.” he says.

Citing the example of European countries, he adds, “When population in these places exploded, they too constructed flyovers and bridges, reasoning that such projects were the solution. But now they have learnt that promoting public transport and cycling is the way to go. When will our government realise this?”

A civil engineer by profession, Nithish Bhat opines that the steel flyover is not a good development plan. “Maybe, if they had built it several years ago, it would have been helpful. Their planning was poor, so bridges and flyovers already constructed will now have to be demolished,” he points out.

“The drive from Raj Bhavan to Mehkri Circle is nice with a canopy above for most part. Once the flyover is built, it will look like a metal cage,” explains Bhat. “Destroying the green cover and heritage buildings to build a steel flyover which will be difficult to maintain is not worth it. Rather, they should invest in completing the metro link to the airport faster.”

Concerned citizens want to know why the details of the project have not been made public. “It is a public project that is using taxpayers’ money. The details should be out in the open for everyone to see. There should be a proper consultation with the public before they go ahead with it,” feels Sandeep Anirudhan, an entrepreneur.

The flyover, he says, is only a temporary solution and after spending close to Rs 2,000 crore, we will only have new traffic jams. “This will distract the government from creating a metro link to the airport and might delay its completion. While the flyover is an elitist project which will benefit few, the metro will help the masses,” adds Anirudhan.

The commute to work is a daily ordeal for Varun Suresh, a software developer in the city. Despite starting early from his residence in Hebbal, it takes him two hours by bus to reach his workplace in Electronic City. “If the flyover work begins, things will only get worse for me.”

The government in going for a temporary solution to the traffic problem instead of planning for the future, he observes. “Shouldn't we be focusing on better public transport which will benefit more people?”

Many other citizens are concerned about the environmental impact of the project. “Bengaluru was known as a garden city and now it is just a concrete jungle. Instead of cutting down more trees, they should try to preserve the remaining green cover and think of alternative solutions,” says Valson Vakayil, a financial consultant.

The situation today is the result of improper planning without anticipating how the city would grow. “Why is the government coming up with short-term solutions? Will this bridge be of any help, 20 years from now?” he wonders.

Roopa Vijaykumar, architect
When there is a plan to create metro connectivity to the airport, is it really necessary to have a flyover? Considering the number of trees which will have to be chopped down, I am not sure if this project is worth it.

NITHISH BHAT, Civil engineer
A six-lane road will not ease congestion if it leads to a two-lane road. Often, when the government changes, plans too change and work is left unfinished. What if this flyover too meets the same fate?

VALSON VAKAYIL, Financial consultant
It is shocking to see that they are not considering the environmental impact of the flyover. The project will affect green cover and heritage buildings in a prime area of the city.

VARUN SURESH, Software developer
The steel flyover is a temporary solution which will only make the traffic situation worse. We need better public transport facilities such as a Bus Rapid Transport System (BRTS)

(Published 09 October 2016, 01:26 IST)