Engrossing sessions'Jumpstart'
Last Updated IST

Goethe Institute is hosting, ‘Jumpstart’ at the institute premises in Indiranagar on August 21 and 22 from 9 am to 5 pm. The seventh-edition of ‘Jumpstart’ is bringing experts from the publishing, media, education, digital and creative industries to create dialogue and explore the different facets of narrative creation through the intersections of storytelling, imagination, technology and reality that will translate into better content for children. To begin with there will be a session titled ‘Windows: Open up your imagination’ which is about opening up the imagination, a flight of fantasy and a dance of creativity.

The panelists are experts in world-building. Through effective storytelling, whether it is writing, illustration, theatre or film, they play with the ways in which history, mythology and stories are related to children and how these ways are enriching. Another session called, ‘Kaleidoscopes’ will debate if children’s content is a  monetizable proposition? How producers of children’s content create brand identities, build trust, manage expectations and aggressively sell their product? What the obstacles in publishing, gaming, film-making, education, book selling and libraries for children? Some of the speakers at the various sessions include Nicki Greenberg, a renowned children’s writer and illustrator from Australia, Manasi Subramaniam, the Commissioning Editor and Rights Manager at HarperCollins, Sudeshna Shome Ghosh, editorial director at Red Turtle publishing, Aruna Ganesh Ram, the artistic director of the theatre Company Visual Respiration and Deeptha.

(Published 18 August 2015, 19:38 IST)