Following the heart...
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multi tasking Students have to balance studies and hobbies most of the time.
multi tasking Students have to balance studies and hobbies most of the time.

In today’s competitive world, every student faces a great deal of stress because the pressure to perform well in academics is very high. They have to juggle  college, assignments, tests, tuitions, as well as make time to do what their heart wants to. As the saying goes ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.

So it is important to follow some kind of hobby along with studies. This hobby can also be taken up as a career later on.

Piyush Kapoor, a student said, “Photography is my passion and there is no way I’m going to stop it. When I was asked if I wanted a bike, I bargained for a camera. I’m very interested in wildlife photography and go along with my friends to places
like Ranganathitu and Bandipur. I used to work part time for an event management company and this was funding my hobby.”

“My only wish is that I want to photograph a tiger in the wild before I die,” he says.
Some students get support from their families while some have to try hard to convince their parents that this is what they want to pursue. It is not easy to convince parents that something other than conventional careers are also lucrative.

“I have been dancing since my school days but I took it up professionally only when I joined engineering. I have choreographed several shows for my college and I have a dance troupe called Agni. We have won prizes in many competitions. I specialise in Indian contemporary dance form. I prefer choreography to dancing because it gives me more freedom to express myself,” said Preetham, an engineering student. “Dance is my life and I won’t leave it for anything. I want to start a dance company in the future. My parents have no problem because I’m managing my academics pretty well. My family is my greatest support.” he expressed.

“I play the lead guitar for a band called Requiem. We have not performed in any shows as of now but we meet up regularly for our jamming sessions. Given a chance I would love to take up music as a career,” said Arvind Achappa, an engineering student.

Anusha, a student, follows her hobby keeping the image of a dance diva in her mind.
“Dancing has been my companion from when I probably learnt to walk. I have been formally trained in Bharathanatyam for five years and had to leave it because of studies.”

“But once I finished my grade 10 I took it up again by joining Shiamak Dawar’s dance classes. I have no problems balancing studies with my hobby, but sometimes it gets hectic. My parents are my greatest support and it is because of them that I’m able to manage. I’m currently with a dance troupe called ‘Tarantismo’ and we present shows annually.”

“My idol is Madhuri Dixit. I believe she can dance any form with the same ease and grace. I really admire her,” she exclaimed.

(Published 16 December 2009, 18:52 IST)