Guilt-free purchasing
Last Updated IST

Or are you one of those who just walks around the store endlessly not knowing what to buy?

Are you a serious shopaholic who can’t help but stock unwanted things in your cupboard?

Here are some simple tips on how to shop smart

* Use cash or debit card strictly while shopping. With credit cards, one is always tempted to spend more than one can afford. So use a no-credit-card policy when it comes to shopping.

* Be aware of what you own. Before going out on your next shopping expedition, make a list of the things you already have. By the time you finish going through your past purchases, you will be too exhausted to go  shopping for more things you do not need.

* Make a list when you go shopping. It’s advisable to make a list, edit it and make a fresh list again. Once you are inside the store, stay focused and buy the items on your list. If you see something else you think you need, go home and check what you have first. You can always go back the next day to buy it.

* Watch where you shop. For instance, don’t go to a mall for buying groceries as you will end up buying more non-food items than food items. Go to a grocery store instead.

* Don’t shop when you are depressed. When you are low or bored, you end up
shopping for unwanted things. Rather, divert your mind by pursuing a hobby, reading a good book or calling an old friend over for  coffee.

* Don’t shop with shopaholics. Instead, shop with a friend who often leaves stores empty handed.

* Don’t use the ‘I can always return it’ logic. Always remember, you don’t need
it today. By putting an item on hold or just leaving it until the following day, we may decide it isn’t something we really have to have. The fact is, most hardcore
shoppers almost never return anything they purchase.

* Before going to a mall with friends, pay your bills and review your accounts and balances. This will give you a reality check and help curb the desire to spend unnecessarily.

* Try shopping like men. Most men go to a store, get the item they came for, go to the counter, pay and leave. They don’t walk down all the aisles in the store. It may sound boring, but it saves money.

(Published 22 April 2010, 19:29 IST)