HC has bad Vaastu, feel some lawyers'Too many incidents of violence near Court Hall 4'
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The area between Court Hall No 2 and 4 is no stranger to violent incidents. From protests to lock ups to injuries, assaults and accidents and now a murder, this place has seen it all.

In November of 2009, two judges were locked up in Court Hall 4 for three hours during the strike by the Advocates Association. It took the intervention of Chief Justice P D Dinakaran for them to be released. In the ensuing melee, the Chief Justice himself sustained a cut on his hand. It was on the same occasion and in front of the same Court Hall that a journalist was nearly assaulted by advocates for trying to film the proceedings.

Several years ago, according to K N Subba Reddy, then President of Advocates Association of Bangalore, High Court employees staged a protest which later on led to differences between advocates and High Court staff, leading to a four-day boycott of courts. The protest which was led by then State Government Employees' Association President K Sippegowda, also began near Court Hall 4.

Subba Reddy says that a few years ago, senior counsel V Krishnamurthy suffered a fall in front of Court hall 4 and sustained fractures.

Court Hall 2 is the place where many death sentences have been awarded including that of serial killer Umesh Reddy and godman Shraddhananda.

“It can only mean that the vaastu of the place is not good,” an advocate remarked wryly. On a lighter note, another advocates observed that the section of the High Court housing Court halls 2-4 is also the place, where the criminal branch of the High Court is located.

“The offices for other matters is located on the other side of the Court. May be all these incidents are also the effect of the criminal branch,” he added.

After widespread rumours about a ghost on the High Court premises last year, it is now the turn of vaastu to raise speculation.

(Published 09 July 2010, 00:44 IST)