'I always wake up with a tune in my head'Gripping records
Nina C George
Last Updated IST
Electronic Dance Music's (EDM) young sensation, Gareth Emery, states that some of best tunes come to him in his dream.
Electronic Dance Music's (EDM) young sensation, Gareth Emery, states that some of best tunes come to him in his dream.

Electronic Dance Music’s (EDM) young sensation, Gareth Emery, states that some of best tunes come to him in his dream. 

“I always wake up with a tune in my head and immediately put it on voice mail before it slips out of my head. The worst part is sometimes I forget the tunes,” Gareth tells ‘Metrolife’ during one of his recent performances in the City.   

A trained classic musician, Gareth’s career has grown over the last five years. He has been impressive and deservedly rapid, considering that he was a DJ before he became a full-fledged artiste. The transition from classical music to EDM wasn’t an easy one and the switch happened quite unexpectedly. 

“I was holidaying in Ibiza with a bunch of my friends when I first got a feel of EDM. Although, it didn’t instantly catch my attention, the tunes kept lingering in my head and slowly but steadily I took a strong liking to the genre,” Gareth explains. 

Gareth finds it hard to describe what he feels for EDM. “I can’t really put it down in words but it has become an indispensable part of my life. The tunes are in my head before I sleep and it is with me in a more intense form when I wake up every morning. EDM is a part of me,” he shares.   

He is best known for his unmatched skills in producing gripping and club-facing records and his musical style is a fierce blend of house, trance and electro. So how would he categorise his style? “I guess it’s just good, melodic dance music,” he says of his musical style. And it pays to experiment, he notes. “One of the most positive things about the scene over the last few years has been the gradual breaking down of genre barriers and the cross-pollination of sounds.” Gareth likes to keep his tunes simple without complicating it. 

EDM is often criticised by classical musicians but Gareth remains unaffected by what he hears and firmly believes that history will change things. “We’ve seen music evolve and it continues to branch out into something new everyday. Every generation will look at EDM from a new perspective and that will help,” he adds.

If Gareth hadn’t taken to music, then what would he have pursued? “A politician maybe,” he laughs and concludes, “on a realistic note, I studied political science and later did a course in computer technology. Here, I am doing something related to technology.”

(Published 23 February 2014, 18:59 IST)