'I don't believe in any hero'Taekwondo star
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Seventeen-year-old Pooja P is being hailed as a rising star of taekwondo.Currently pursuing her second PUC at Carmel Pre-University College, the gritty girl was previously selected to represent this country in the Sixth Commonwealth Taekwondo Championships in 2014 at Scotland.

She is a sport enthusiast and maintains a healthy balance between her game and academics.
In a light-hearted conversation with Tapan Menezes, Pooja revealsmore about herself and the sport.

What interests you about  this sport?’

Taekwondo is not all about the  technique. Instead, it is a sport which requires coordination of the mind and the body. I enjoy the discipline and patience that the sport teaches me. My father was
the one who encouraged me to learn some form of self -defence.

Who is your hero ?

I don’t belive in any hero. I belive in myself and my potential to better my best.

Where have these competitions taken you?

I have been to Jakarta for the Asian Youth Games. I also keep travelling across the country to represent my state as part of the championships held by the Sports Authority of India.

How do you maintain a balance between classes and training?

Whenever I am in class, I listen  properly which helps me secure the first rank. Sometimes, I find it tough when I don’t get enough time to study for my exams but my teachers and friends help me to prepare all the subjects.

How do you handle the pressure at such a young age?

Tolerance and balance of mind is the best way to tackle any stressful situation.

Tell us about your support system

I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my parents. Ever since I showed interest in this sport, they have sent me for training and. They used to drop and pick me  up every day. Myfather has supported me in every way and has never denied me anything. My school and college have also been really helpful and given me ample support in balancing sports and studies.

What are your other hobbies?

I love listening to music and playing with my sister and other friends in the locality during my free time.

Are you looking to take up this sport professionally?

Taekwondo is an important part of my life but I am still not sure which  profession I am going to pursue. I want to bring name and fame to my country as well as develop and encourage sports here. I want to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to be selected and not go through the hassles that I faced.

(Published 13 June 2017, 21:16 IST)