'I want to do quality work'Taking a break
Nina C George
Last Updated IST
Prajwal Devaraj
Prajwal Devaraj
Actor Prajwal Devaraj has been taking it slow after the release of ‘Chowka’. He had dedicated more than a year for that film and wants to take his time before he signs the next project.

He says his character in ‘Chowka’, Mohammed Anwar,   gave him a chance to explore a side of him that he didn’t know existed.

In an interview with Nina C George, Prajwal talks about his work and why he has to be cautious when choosing scripts.

Why haven’t you signed any project after ‘Chowka’?  
We worked on ‘Chowka’ for more than a year. Even after the release, the character remained with me. It was a powerful portrayal of the life and struggle of Mohammed Anwar. I am taking it slow because people have high expectations of me after ‘Chowka’ and I don’t want to go wrong when signing my next project.

What was special about the character?
I had to undergo a complete change in the way I looked, walked and talked. I had to perfect my North Karnataka accent. Even my facial expressions had to be altered to suit the intense moments in the movie.

You had a cut above your eyebrow. How was that created?
Yes. The cut above my eyebrow had to resemble a deep scar. It was a painful process but it lent a lot of strength to my appearance.

What are you doing now?
I am taking a break and working towards getting a more chiselled look for my next project.  

Does it help to be choosy about work?
I would like to work on projects that are closer to reality. It’s not just enough to work on different subjects but the roles that I choose must help bring out the best in me. I don’t mind taking it slow but I want to do quality work.

Have you been getting offers from other languages?
Yes, I have but I didn’t find anything that suited my taste. My entry into other languages have to be through a big project.   

(Published 04 July 2017, 23:14 IST)