'I want to evolve as an actor'
Nina C George
Last Updated IST
Meghana Raj
Meghana Raj
Actor Meghana Raj has decided to take a break after the release of ‘Noorondu Nenapu’ and ‘Jinda’, a much-needed respite after her back-to-back releases.

She will soon begin shooting for ‘Nagarjuna’ opposite actor-director Upendra.

She is also going slow on the signing of scripts because she feels that the offers that are coming her way are a bit repetitive and monotonous. Interestingly, the young actor is also in the process of launching her own production house - something that she says has been on her mind for a while now.

In an interview with Nina C George, Meghana Raj talks about her upcoming projects and more.

What is your next project ‘Nagarjuna’ about?

The project is about a man who tries to save his community from the clutches of corruption and brutality. He protects the people in his village from being threatened by the powers that be. It is a one-man struggle and I think each of us has something to learn from it.

Is this the first time that you are acting with Upendra?

Yes it is. It is interesting to work with Upendra because as a director, he has made projects like ‘A’ and ‘Upendra’ that are well ahead of time.

As an actor who is also a director, Upendra has a good command over every aspect of filmmaking and his inputs and suggestions help in fine tuning the project.

Have you signed any other projects?

Not many. After ‘Jinda’ I was offered many projects that were similar to what I have done before. I found them to be boring. I want to work on something that is fresh and new.

I want to evolve as an actor.

We hear that you are launching your own production house. Is it true?

The details of the production house are still being finalised and I hope to launch it soon. I already have a couple of scripts in hand but we are still finalising them. I am not looking at producing mega budget films with a huge starcast. I want to make simple films that connect with the audience. I am also open to producing offbeat and experimental films.

Do you get upset when your films don’t do well?

I think it is only natural that one gets upset. There is so much hardwork and thought that is put into each scene and when the film flops, it is saddening. But there’s really nothing actors can do about it because the final verdict lies with the audience.
(Published 16 August 2017, 22:09 IST)