India Clean Air Summit starts in Bengaluru from August 23"The gathering intends to align clean air goals with climate policies and discuss how democratising air pollution data can enable improved citizen science," said a note from the event organiser, Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy.
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Representative image of air pollution.</p></div>

Representative image of air pollution.

Credit: DH File Photo

Experts and policy advisors will deliberate on the formidable obstacles confronting India's ambitious air pollution reduction plan during a comprehensive three-day symposium, starting Wednesday.


The forthcoming fifth iteration of the India Clean Air Summit will delve into the intersection between the nation's sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the imperative for pristine air quality.

"The gathering intends to align clean air goals with climate policies and discuss how democratising air pollution data can enable improved citizen science," said a note from the event organiser, Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy.

By shedding light on the far-reaching repercussions of air pollution on the SDGs, the summit aims to find the obstacles impeding the realisation of objectives encompassing health, vitality, energy, and climate action, among others.

Niti Aayog member VK Saraswat, WHO Director Dr Maria Neira, representatives from central and state pollution control boards, and experts from leading institutions are set to discuss major challenges and goals during the event.

One of the sessions will focus on the art of communicating issues related to air pollution. A panel discussion on 'What scientists communicate and what the public perceives?' will look into the social responsibility of scientists.

(Published 21 August 2023, 02:49 IST)