India's first multi-faceted artificial intelligence centre to come up in B'luru
Vijesh Kamath
Last Updated IST
Bengaluru will house the country’s first multi-faceted artificial intelligence and robotics centre to tap the potential of data analytics, an emerging technology, for various eco-systems in the state.

Just to get a feel of artificial intelligence and data analytics technology, consider this: traffic police in Bengaluru have installed CCTV cameras at various busy junctions to capture and record traffic movement. The data is later monitored by police personnel for traffic volume, violations, accidents, road safety purposes among others. The process takes time and manpower. Machine intelligence and data analytics technology make it possible to analyse the data electronically for these parameters on a real-time basis.

The technology can be used to address issues in the field of transportation, compilation of census and survey data, healthcare, education, rural and urban development, governance among others.

The centre will come up at the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) campus in Bengaluru and the state government has earmarked an initial grant of Rs five crore for the purpose.

The centre is being established on the recommendation of Karnataka Knowledge Commission (KKC) which had constituted a special task group on artificial intelligence. The 18-member task group is co-chaired by Chiranjib Bhattacharya, professor, Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, and Venkatesh Valluri, chairman and president of Ingersoll Rand (India Region).

“The centre will be first of its kind in India which will have both industrial and also education components. A broad frame work on the modalities of the centre is being worked out and the detail project report is likely to be submitted to the Information Technology department within a month,” KKC member-secretary Mukund Rao told DH.

There are plans to offer courses for students on various aspects of data analytics and related fields and curriculum will be prepared soon, he said.

At the same time, the state government intends to formulate a policy for hi-tech and frontier industries like 3D printing, robotics, nano technology, big data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, stem cell research, bespoke DNA medicine among others.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has been running the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) since 1986 in Bengaluru. However, CAIR caters more towards providing technological and secure communication and information systems for the defence services.

Project in a nutshell

*Centre to come up at IIIT campus in Bengaluru

*Centre to have both industrial and educational components

* Will help tap the potential of data analytics to address issues in various fields

*Centre to offer courses for students on various aspects of data analytics and related sectors
(Published 18 September 2017, 01:33 IST)