Kidwai institute nurses' strike enters 8th day
Last Updated IST

The strike by Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology nurses crossed a week on Tuesday.

On the eighth day of the protest, 200 paramedical employees - 175 nurses and 25 lab technicians - came out seeking fulfilment of their various demands.

"We met the additional chief secretary (medical education) who said we have to apply through a proper channel. She also said if we continue our protest we would be removed from our posts," said Lingappa, staff nurse, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology.


Dr Linge Gowda, director of the institute said the nurses should withdraw their protest as additional chief secretary V Manjula has made it clear that they can only apply through the paramedical board.

"There is nothing that we can do about it. They have to apply through the board and clear the exams to be appointed on contract basis. The last date for the year is already over," said Dr Krishnamurthy, medical superintendent, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology.

The additional chief secretary said the protesting nurses would be allowed to complete their current contract period, he added.

However, the nurses say that as they have served for a long period in the hospital they should be hired permanently.

"The last hiring of nurses on the permanent basis was done in 1999. We need to be recruited on the permanent basis and not on contract," said Lingappa.

He added that most of the employees protesting have a service of up to seven years and have sufficient training.

"Why should we apply on the contract basis," he asked.

The protesters also demanded a raise in their salary from Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 and issuance of identity cards among others.

Dr Krishnamurthy said the institute was ready to issue identity cards for the nurses provided they resume their work.

He said the institute had already sent a letter to the state department requesting a pay hike for the nurses, which was yet to complete its process.

However, the protesters said they would not withdraw the protest until they express their concern to the chief minister and health minister.

(Published 21 March 2018, 00:20 IST)