'Love is a personal emotion'Off Screen
Megha Shenoy
Last Updated IST
Wooing: The movie Love Aaj Kal showed a more realistic side of romance.
Wooing: The movie Love Aaj Kal showed a more realistic side of romance.

It’s that time of the year again when young love birds celebrate their love for one another.

And they express it in different ways — through romantic dinners, flowers and gifts. When these youngsters run out of ideas, they also take inspiration from movies. Romance has always played a huge role in most of the films and the concept of ‘happily ever after’ has been sold to the audience in nearly every form.

This Valentine’s Day, Metrolife asked a few film personalities what love is according to them and how different it is from ‘reel love’. While many of them feel that love in real life is very different from what is shown in  movies, there are some who candidly admit that in real life too, they enjoy wooing their loved ones the ‘filmi’ way.

Actress Lisa Haydon finds a huge difference between real life and reel love. “When I used to watch romantic movies as a kid, I used to wonder if love was how it is in the movies.

But as I grew up, I came to realise that it’s not always hunky dory in real life. The feeling is something very personal for each individual,” she adds. Ask her how she is in real life and Lisa says, “I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day per se, but love for me is a very personal emotion that cannot be shared in words.”

Actress Harshika Poonachcha agrees to it while adding that of late, a lot of youngsters pick up only the negative side of what is shown in movies and adopt that. “One should know that movies tend to exaggerate and create a fantasy to entertain the audience. But unfortunately, many people tend to take it seriously, imitate the same actions and think it’s okay to do so,” she adds.

Actor Suriya says that although movies tend to exaggerate, he loves every bit of it. “Cinema has always been  showcasing every kind of love in its epitome. When I do fall in love in real life, I know I am going to be every bit ‘filmi’ with my significant other and ensure that she feels special every single day,” he adds.

Actress Priyanka Upendra, who has experienced love in both real and reel life, says that there is a very thin line between the two.

“You do feel the euphoria of being in love initially but slowly as that fades, one must be capable enough to know how to strike the balance. Doing that one romantic thing is important even in real life but what is even more important is to respect and appreciate your partner each day,” she says.

(Published 13 February 2012, 19:13 IST)