For the love of world cuisine
Anila Kurian
Last Updated IST
Chef Julius Jack
Chef Julius Jack

Hailing from Kolkata, I was always passionate about cooking.

I loved taking part in school competitions that were food related. Even if it was a small task to make a sandwich, I will be in the front row to make them.

My older brother joined the culinary arts which gave me the confidence to pursue my passion. Having said that, he never really motivated me to join his line of work. In fact, when he left for college, I was at home with my parents. Till today, we don’t talk about our professions to each other. Though he gave me the confidence without saying anything, it’s been one heck of a journey so far.


Ever since I can remember, I was interested in learning about local cuisine.

I knew the famous dishes from each region but I wanted to know more. World cuisine fascinated me.

When I first started working in 2002, I grasped as much as I could about the topic. And that knowledge increased as the years went by. I’m still quite excited because I know that there’s so much more to learn. I know work for The Arena, a microbrewery. The journey continues.

As for the recipe shared today, Belgian Chocolate Fondant is a dessert that everyone will love. The recipe is classic and the steps are very simple. Even if you’re not a pro-baker, it’s not difficult to master the dish.

The chocolate oozing through when you cut into is the best part. The only advice I have for those trying this is to have patience. Wait for the dessert to cool a little before serving and there you have it, a winner dessert!

Recipe: Belgian Chocolate Fondant

Belgian Chocolate Fondant


* Unsalted butter, 50 gm

* Dark chocolate, 50 gm

* Egg, 2

* Castor sugar, 40 gm

* Flour, 22 gm


* Preheat the oven at 230°C.

* In a double boiler, cook butter and chocolate till everything is melted and combined nicely.

* Keep aside the mixture in a different bowl, and allow the mixture to cool down up to 45°C.

* In another bowl, whisk the sugar and egg, whisk it till the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is light and fluffy.

* Then combine both chocolate and egg batter together, and mix the flour into the same.

* Butter your moulds and fill it with the mix and bake it for 8 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of the mould.

* Serve hot with a scoop of ice cream.

(Published 12 February 2019, 18:40 IST)