Many more tinderboxes in City Market area
Last Updated IST

The City Market area has many more dingy taverns like Kailash Bar and Restaurant that could catch fire easily.  

Although the market buzzes with activity round the clock, early morning and late night hours are particularly eventful, what with scores of lorries loading and unloading fruits, vegetables, flowers and other items.  

Since their work entails carrying heavy sacks, bags and cartons, labourers gulp down shots of cheap liquor available at  these bars even beyond the business hours. The bars have small windows custom-made on the shutters.  A staffer usually sleeps near the door to facilitate the illegal sale. It is through these windows that the staffer takes cash and hands out  Tetra Paks of alcohol to customers.  The revenue is substantial as plenty of liquor is sold during these hours, a source said.  

The jurisdictional police and excise inspectors are duty bound to check the  illegal sale, the source added.    

(Published 09 January 2018, 00:26 IST)