Marital discord: Techie ends life
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Prakash (30), a computer engineer from Tanjavur, was working for a company in ITPL. He fell in love with a girl from a different religion and married her 15 months ago. Incidentally, she is also an engineer working in ITPL. The boy got converted to her religion and was living separately. His grouse was that none of his relatives had access to his house.

On the ill-fated day, after having lunch, he took the extreme step. His wife called for help upon seeking Prakash hanging from ceiling. He was shifted to Satya Hospital, where doctors declared him brought dead.

Explosion: 2 injured

A couple were injured due to a fire triggered by a cylinder gas leakage. Kemparaju (36) had gone to his mother-in-law’s house in Indiranagar with his wife Kalavathi (30). There, he fixed a regulator to the gas cylinder, although the gas was leaking. They lit a match-stick, which caused the explosion. The couple have been admitted to Victoria Hospital.

Student arrested

Devopan Das (20), a 6th semester student of NIFT, has been arrested on charges of creating public nuisance and assaulting police at HSR Layout.

Sources said, around 10.45 pm on Monday, public called the police when they saw Das creating a ruckus and disrupting traffic on 24th Main Road. A Cheetah patrolling vehicle accompanied by an assistant sub-inspector of police arrived. On seeing the cops, Das started using abusive language. Things turned ugly after he tore a cop's uniform.

Efforts of police to pacify the youth went futile even as the public vent their ire on him.

The cops, at this stage, took him to station. A few onlookers lodged a complaint. Das was later produced before a magistrate and sent to jail. It is not clear whether he was under the influence of alcohol as police are awaiting medical reports.

DCP ( South-East) confirmed that Das hailed from Kolkata and was staying in a rented accommodation in the college vicinity.

(Published 27 May 2009, 01:05 IST)