Marriage has brought me a lot of luck, says AindritaOn her birthday, actor famous for her roles in Manasare and Parijata, plants saplings in Bengaluru to send out a message about environmental conservation
Nina C George
Last Updated IST
Diganth and Aindrita planting saplings at Soundarya Institute of Management and Science at Sidedahalli on her birthday on April 16.
Diganth and Aindrita planting saplings at Soundarya Institute of Management and Science at Sidedahalli on her birthday on April 16.

Every birthday, actor Aindrita Ray takes off to a scenic location, keen as she is in celebrating her birthday away from the maddening city. But this year, Aindrita chose to do something different. The actor planted 40 saplings at at Soundarya Institute of Management and Science, at Sidedahalli.

The green birthday, she says, had two messages: One is saving the environment from further degradation and the second is to send out a strong message to people to start doing their bit to preserve and add to the existing green space in the city.

Aindrita took time off to chat with Metrolife about how she celebrated her birthday, her career and more.


You have taken your activism to a different level this year?

Yes. Diganth and I have always gone out of town on my birthday to some place that is cut off from technology. But this year, I took the initiative of planting 40 trees in a college to spread the message to the students to plant more trees and save our planet. I also wanted to send out this message to my fans who have travelled from afar to celebrate my birthday.

What made you take this decision?

It is disappointing to see huge garbage dumps across the city, and trees being cut in the name of development and progress. People must plant more trees because small steps in the right direction could go a long way in saving the planet.

Thousands of trees are said to be cut to make way for projects like the elevated corridor. Your comment?

I am against it and there were so many protests by citizens, demanding that the project be scrapped. It is unfortunate that some of our politicians do not realise the damage that it can cause to the environment.

This is your first birthday after marriage. Has anything changed?

Marriage has brought me a lot of luck because I seem to be getting a lot of projects after that. I have been asked many people if I will stop acting after marriage, I tell them that I don’t want to fall under the category of actors who stop acting after marriage. Diganth is a supportive spouse and I am grateful for that.

(Published 16 April 2019, 17:39 IST)