Murder of security guard solved
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On May 5, Shraban Kumar Mahanto (27), working for Group-4 security services company, was found dead with a stab injury near Agara Lake. The cops had no clue except for information that, on the day of the murder, they had seen two groups clashing over a petty matter.

After coming to know that Mahanto was a resident of Iblur, the police enquired at nearby hospitals. At one of the hospitals, they found out that a youth had dropped in for treatment of minor cuts.

Based on the information gathered, a few Cuttack-based youths were picked up.
From their inputs, it was clear that Mahanto had locked horns with Pradeep Behra and his friends during a road rage. Mahanto was chased away by the Behra group.

Mahanto then roped in few of his friends, all from Cuttack, and took Pradeep on.

In the ensuing fight, Mahanto was stabbed on his chest with a sharp weapon. He died on the spot, while Pradeep and his friends took to their heels.

A police party went to Cuttack and apprehended Pradeep, but his friends escaped.
Pradeep confessed to the crime and was brought to the city and remanded in judicial custody.

Stabbed to death

Ismail Zaibihullah (25), a habitual offender, was stabbed to death in the Sudhamanagar, Wilson Garden on Monday noon by two motorbike-borne assailants.

Police said Ismail was involved in murder and attempt to murder cases and was out on bail. Stunned passersby rushed towards Ismail, but it was too late.

The police were alerted and the body was shifted to Victoria hospital mortuary.

(Published 31 May 2011, 01:15 IST)