Padma Shri awardee identified
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Exclaiming thus was Dr Mathoor Krishnamurthy, who had lost the medal during the function to unveil Tiruvalluvar statue on Sunday. The medal was returned to him at the office of the City Police Commissioner on Tuesday.

Several of  Krishnamurthy's friends and relatives contacted the Commissioner’s office after media reported about the Padma Shri medal found by Tamil Sangham members while cleaning the premises after the function was over on August 9. They informed the police that the medal belonged to Krishnamurthy. After the function was over Krishnamurti had told his friends that the medal was missing. However, they searched in vein for the medal.

But, he had not lodged a complaint with the police, said DCP (PRO) V Ramaiah.

(Published 12 August 2009, 00:30 IST)