Pick your series on drug trade
Saloni Pradhan
Last Updated IST
Prescription Thugs
Prescription Thugs

Here are a few series on OTT platforms that have been written and shot around the drug trade and the nefarious dealings associated with the trade.

Prescription Thugs

This explores prescription drug abuse, as the director Christopher Bell meets with experts to find out how extensive the problem actually is.
Platform: Amazon Prime Video

How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)

This German series revolves around a nerdy teenager who descends into drug dealing in order to win back his ex-girlfriend. Things get out of control when he becomes the youngest and biggest drug dealer in all of Europe.
Platform: Netflix



An investigative series that covers the war on drugs in American cities, shot from the perspective of drug dealers, users and law enforcement officers. This gritty series shows how deeply infested the smuggling, dealing and usage of drugs are even in the US.
Platform: Netflix

Cocaine Prison

Shot in San Sebastian Prison, Bolivia, this docu-drama gives one a glance into Bolivia’s drug trade through the peddlers and drug mules who make up the nexus. It lends perspective to the deep-seated and powerful drug mafia in the country.
Platform: Amazon Prime Video

How to Fix a Drug Scandal

A true-crime docu-series that narrates the criminal practices of Sonja Farak and Annie Dookhan, crime drug lab chemists. When their evidence tampering came to light, entire cases and judicial activities toppled, even as thousands of prison inmates await justice thanks to the chemists’ crimes.
Platform: Netflix

Drug Lords

This sheds light on some of the most powerful and widespread drug-cartels and drug lords or narco-terrorists, including Pablo Escobar, Cali Cartel and the Pettingill Family.
Platform: Netflix

El Chapo

The story is of Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman’s life. This series shows how a foot soldier in Guadalajara drug cartel rose in ranks to become one of the most feared and powerful drug lords as the leader of the Sinaloa cartel and then his imminent fall.
Platform: Netflix


A comedy series, this show is a hilarious take on the world of medical marijuana. In a family-run dispensary, the proprietor tries to imbibe responsible intake as she advocates for the good qualities of marijuana.
Platform: Netflix

Drugs Inc.

The drug trade is an immensely profitable and widespread one. This show covers the trade from the production, packaging, transportation, sale and consumption point of view.
Platform: Netflix


Involved in the cocaine trade, ‘Narcos’ revolves around Colombian drug kingpins. It covers the immense power, violence and money that runs these businesses and the multiple efforts that have been made to take down these cartels.
Platform: Netflix

(Published 03 October 2020, 00:07 IST)