Platinum City residents warn prospective buyers
Last Updated IST

 The residents of Platinum City apartments, Yeshwantpur, on Tuesday, pasted posters on the walls of the apartment complex warning interested buyers about non-availability of occupancy certificate (OC) for the building. 

More than 20 posters inked with messages such as ‘Buyers beware; Platinum City does not have OC, ‘Platinum City does not have Bescom meter connections and fire certificate’ among others were pasted on the walls of the apartment complex.

 “The main idea was to inform buyers about the apartment owner and his negligence.

Through this drive, we also wanted to pressurise the builder to finish all documentation process so that Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) does not give us further notifications about evicting us from the place,” said Keshav Pai, president, Platinum City Residents’ Forum. About 20 residents were issued notifications by the BDA officials on April 1.

Seethalaxmi Anantharam, one of the residents of the apartment, said: “There are around 200 units still vacant and we do not want buyers to meet the same situation.”  According to the residents, the BDA officials told them to wait till the builder gets the clearances from the agencies concerned.

(Published 10 April 2013, 02:06 IST)