PSI exam scam: 12 candidates held
H M Chaithanya Swamy
Last Updated IST
In all, the CID suspects 22 successful candidates had rigged the exam. Credit: iStock Images
In all, the CID suspects 22 successful candidates had rigged the exam. Credit: iStock Images

The police sub-inspector (PSI) recruitment scam got murkier with the arrest of 12 people who had cracked the now-annulled exam. Ironically, some of the arrested suspects had taken part in a protest earlier on Saturday against the annulment of results, police said.

Among the 12, three are police constables. One of them was posted in Bengaluru while the other two are from outside the city but had taken the exam here. Two other candidates are employees of other government departments while the rest are private individuals, said a senior police officer. All suspects are in 14-day police custody.

In all, the CID suspects 22 successful candidates had rigged the exam. More arrests are likely.


Umesh Kumar, ADGP, CID, said: "The OMR sheets of a few suspicious candidates were sent for forensic examination. The report confirmed the malpractice/tampering. Accordingly, a fresh case has been filed at the High Grounds police station." Another officer said the OMR sheets of 22 were found "fishy" when the sheets of all the 545 candidates were checked. "We sent those sheets for forensic examination."

P Narasimhamurty, Investigation Officer, CID, filed a complaint, giving details of the 22 who had taken the exam at three centres in Bengaluru.

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(Published 30 April 2022, 23:52 IST)